Sunday, June 15, 2008

Um...did we just sing the National Anthem at College World Series?

Well, we just sang the National Anthem at the College World Series...the performance went great, but it was sure crazy!!!

We followed a game that was the longest game ever played in College World Series history, so it was a little bit chaotic. The plans were that Hubby was going to video the singing, so we could use it for some additional promo video clips (I have been working really hard this year on getting into better shape, I just had my nails done and spent the morning at the beauticians getting some summer highlights and a new do ... I even fit in to a jacket I bought just for this - sort of a mini goal I had set - and achieved, I'm proud to say :) So I was really looking forward to some new footage, especially after last year's performance, when my hair puffed up like the stadium's cotton candy from the humidity!!)

The best-laid plans of mice and men...I should've known better. The game was originally scheduled to start at 6:00 pm. The rumors going around the stadium, however, were that the next game wouldn't be starting til 6:30, since the last game went so late. So this year, because of the rumors, I just incorrectly summized that we would go on at 6:27. WRONG-O!!! Our escort was late in meeting us so I stood outside in line sweating like a little piggy. When he finally arrived I was informed I had 8 minutes to go potty, freshen up, have the "sitter" meet us to sit with my son before hubby, Gene and I go out on the field to do the anthem. We went on at 6:02. The stadium had JUST cleared out from the last game, so it was barely a quarter full when they got us out to sing. My hubby was not on the field - the sitter was still stuck outside because they were just starting to let the people in...she wasn't in hubby stayed with son, and we just rolled with it, and sang our hearts out - we gave our very best.

There was some huge camera on us - I don't know who it belonged to, but later we heard from lots of baseball fans that they saw us on a screen outside the stadium. The camera man did a fantastic job too, from what I was told. I didn't see it - I don't know if it aired on ESPN or not - it's all kind of a weird blur, because absolutely nothing went as planned! But you know what? You'd never know it. Ya just roll with it.

There's no business like show business, that's for sure and if there is any lesson for all of you WANTING to get in to the music biz it is this - BE FLEXIBLE and learn how to wing it, because winging it is all part of the game. I LOVE this business - you have to, in order to be insane enough to go into it.

And if any of you happened to tivo the game, can you let me know if our performance airedon ESPN?? And if it did, could you send me a video clip???

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