Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!!

Happy Earth Day week and welcome to my Bloggy Giveaway Carnival Post!!

My name is Cher Klosner Lane - I'm a Mom and a...musician, producer, arranger, composer, recording artist, Mompreneur (TM) and Co-founder of Audible Chocolate Productions. I'm married to my super- cool hubby, Ben, who is an Emmy award-winning animator and assistant director for "The Simpsons." We have one great, loveable, extremely right-brained kid who keeps us on our toes. :)

My blog, "Stardust Lullaby" is all about the roller coaster ride of my entrepreneurial journey juggling music and family - and following what goes on behind the scenes of creating an award winning lullaby CD.

Our giveaway: One lucky winner will win ....(drumroll please!!!!) ...1 brand new shiney copy of
Stardust, a 2-disc lullaby collection for all ages, featuring rich lilting vocals and authentic instrumentation performed by symphony, conservatory and jazz musicians (none of that annoying synthesizer stuff you find on so many kids cds!) Stardust is an "iParenting Media Award Winner - 2008 Best Products -Audio," is up for several more parent and music awards, and is getting fantastic reviews!

Visit Stardust Lullaby to hear soundclips, read reviews, download free Stardust bookmarks and play some super fun games like Stardust Swap... but I'll warn you - they are addictive! :) . And, while you're there, check out our new animated video, "Seepy Sams" produced by Animation Lane and animated by Pascal Campion, who has done several animation projects for They Might Be Giants.

So here are the rules:

- If you want to win, leave me a comment on this post. Please write something beyond I want your CD... just cuz I want to know something about you... and it's good manners ...
- Don't enter more than once because duplicate entries will be deleted, along with it's original...soooo...follow the rules :)
- No anonymous comments - ummm... I can't contact you if you're anonymous...
- This giveaway is open to everyone, and you don't have to be a blogger to play along.
- Winner will be chosen on Friday and I'll contact you then via e-mail.
- You'll have til the following Monday eve, 10pm to respond.
- If I don't hear from you by then, sorry... we'll need to redraw.
- Be sure to check your spam folder.

Thats it! Good luck, and have fun!

Cher & Gene Klosner
Stardust Lullaby..Audible Chocolate for Sweet Dreams!


Karlene said...

I have two grandsons--the oldest just turned 1, the other is 5 months. I tend them once a week. I'd love to have these CDs to play for them during nap time. You can contact me through the e-mail button on my blog. Thanks for offering the giveaway. --Karlene

Granola said...

This sounds beautiful! We're expecting our third babe in a few months and it sure would be fun to have some new music to rock this new one to. It looks like you have some fun links on your sidebar there, I'll have to go check them out. Thank you!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds really nice. :)

Seth and Mary said...

Would love it for my 3 little guys!

julie said...

My niece just had a baby last week..kudos to you and congratulations on such an amazing production

Anonymous said...

I am the mom to a preemie and I know he would sure enjoy this cd. He loves music!

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. I'd heard nothing like that before.

Despite, having two older shildren, we are all kids at heart and particularly love music of different genre and culture.

Feel free to pop by and say hello. I've posted music from the past on my site. Awww memories.


Kristen M. said...

Wow, I have not been sleeping well this week but I think I finally found my solution. Even the tone of your website is relaxing.

Amanda said...

everyone loves lullabys...this is a wonderful giveaway!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I love lullabies and think this is a wonderful prize. Your tag "Audible Chocolate" is super.

We brought home our first daughter two years ago from China. She will soon turn three. She loves to listen to music as she drifts to sleep. We are waiting to bring home another baby from China but the wait has gotten quite long, so it'll be a while...

Good luck with future endeavors.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - I've been having a hard time getting my son to sleep without being cuddled down. This might just be the ticket! Check out my giveaway: http://ojoyofmylife.blogspot.com/2008/04/its-carnival.html

Melissa said...

Real musicians, no synthesizer? Sounds great to me. My husband & I love music & want to expose our baby to good talent as early as possible! I sing & he plays some instruments so we're really into music & it's important to us for our child to get some good exposure! This would be great for our little one. Thanks for the offer

Nicol said...

I remember seeing your blog at the Blog party not too long ago. I have a dd who is 13mn. I sing to her everynight. I loved your song that you did, Wyken, Byken and Nod. Love that poem. I also read poetry to her everynight, usually ending with that one.

Emily said...

I have a 14 month old and he LOVES music. He'll rock out to anything and everything and I always have a CD playing in his room to sleep to. Thanks for offering it!


Sweetpeas said...

My girls listen to lullabye cds to go to sleep every night, I'd love to add something new to the mix, then maybe the Wiggles can go away LOL.

Musing Truth said...

we have played the same cd every nite for my son for over a year now. i'd love some more lullaby cds for him or my other sons. thanks so much for a great giveaway!!

Karin said...

Sometimes I need something to lull me to sleep-- the cd sounds nice.

Something about me-- Hmmm. I like to write letters the old fashioned way-- on pretty paper. Although sometimes I use ugly or so-so stationery if the price is right. (say, at a garage sale!)

christine said...

Beautiful music! What talent! We are adopting a little boy & I have been on the search for music like this. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

michelle said...

Having some new lullaby music around our home would be delightful. We had one cassette tape that we pretty much wore out, and then one fairly decent CD. As great as the music is, you can only listen to it just so many times. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Anonymous said...

As a theatre professor I'm always looking for new music to inspire me and my students. I would love to hear your CD.

Unknown said...

you have such a glamorous life!!
We would love your cd because we only have one nighttime cd for the kids--and it would be nice to hear something new!!

Andrea said...

We love music at our house. :) And lullaby CD's are good to play before bedtime for my son too!

Christie said...

Something about me... well... :) I'm the oldest of 8 children, I was homeschooled all the way 'til college, and I married a homeschool boy. :) And yes, we're going to homeschool our kids. lol...

CanCan said...

I have worked in Asia for 5 years. I'm in the US right now but I'm going back to Asia in July and plan to stay 2 more years.

kerri69 said...

this is nice i have 3 girls and i think music all kinds are important for children its fun and i am a stay at home mom and we love to jam and dance when they were babies they loved the baby einsteins music

windycindy said...

Hello! Thanks for sponsoring such a fun contest. I would give this to my dad who is turning 90 years young! He has always loved to listen to music when he goes to bed. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

Audra Marie said...

I have six kids and this sounds like a CD we would definitely enjoy. :) We play soft music during nap times, but also during school to set the right tone. :)

Thanks for the great giveaway. :)


corrie71 said...

I would love to have this for my son, who is due in August.

Courtneyhunt71 (at) aol (dot) com

Kyra said...

Most people would probably say they want to win this for their child or children, I want to win this for me. I fall asleep easier to music!

noreen said...

I love my two girls to experience a wide range of music and they would enjoy, as woul I, these beautifuk songs

Becky N. said...

I put a CD of lullaby type music in for my older two kids every night for bedtime. I played clarinet all through high school and college...the music playing on your website when I first clicked the link really made me miss my musical days! It's wonderful that you're offering this CD. I can promise that I would joyfully welcome it into our house.

Scarlett said...

My niece was born two days ago (I got to see her born! It was cool.. but I have to admit pretty gross). I would love to play these CDs for her (it will give me something to do other than your site's coloring pages!)

Tarasview said...

I have three kiddos and would love to hear your CD... and my husband LOVES the Simpsons. :)

I would love to win this! Please enter me.

Richelle said...

I'm a musician, too, so I appreciate non-synthesizer-stuff. :)

Elaine said...

I must confess, I want the music for myself. I have several lullaby CD's and they are mine. I listen to them in the car, but do not fear, I do not fall asleep. I am usually singing along at the top of my lungs (keeping the windows up, of course)because with the kids talking in the back it can be hard to hear...

Tiffany said...

This is a great prize. When my oldest was a baby, she was so soothed by a recorded CD of lullabies. I would love to give this to my sister in law for my coming niece.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com

Suzie Williams said...

I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old. My two month old surprisingly sleeps through the night already. While it sounds like a blessing, it always makes me nervous and I'm constantly checking on him to make sure he's still breathing. I have a difficult time getting him to nap though, so maybe this CD would help us there.

Jon and Sarah said...

I would love a new CD of lullabies to add some variety to our nighttime listening. Thanks!

Adria said...

This sounds like a really nice CD. I have been thinking that I need to find a way to encourage my little ones to sleep, and a lullaby CD might be the trick.

I have 8 children, ages almost 2 through almost 18. Heck, now that I think of it, maybe *I* will keep the CD!

gibmom at gmail dot com

daisy said...

Well, I guess I could tell you that I have eleven children, but that they all think they are "too old" to listen to a lullaby CD. However, I also have eleven grandchildren, so when they come over to stay, I always try to find a nice CD to put on while they go to sleep. This would be awesome!

Thanks for the shot at it.

frugallm said...

This sounds wonderful! I love Jazz, to me it's so relaxing!

Jennifer Bogart said...

We are also expecting baby #3 in a couple of months :), we love singing lullabies to our wee ones at night, though my two year old only wants "Rock a bye baby" for some reason! Again and again!!!

We are having a baby related giveaway on our blog as well - cloth wipes! You can find the giveaway at http://www.quiverfullfamily.com/blog as well as contact info for me!

rebecca said...

we're looking for some bedtime music for our three week old, and this sounds like it would be wonderful! i want to start a consistent routine early on!


gitrecca at gmail dot com

Genevieve P said...

I have 4 children. The oldest is 4.5, the baby is 13 mo, and twins in the middle. Anything to make nap/bed time easier sounds GREAT!

Telima said...

I have 2 kiddos, a little girl who's 2 and a little boy who's 5 months. I'm always looking for ways to help my 2 year old calm down for bedtime. This sounds great!nMy email address is in my Blogger profile, just in case I win!

Audra said...

Hope I'm not too late! This CD looks perfect for my almost 9 month old who is now deciding he doesn't like sleeping in his own bedroom. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

I would love to win your CD. My sister is due in two weeks and she is trying to build a small library of lullabies. Thanks for the giveaway!

robynl said...

These would be perfect for the grandkids when visiting us being they are not in their own beds so it would be nice for them. I love music and you could probably find me listening to the CD's and relaxing.


megret7 said...

Both of my children love music...but especially my daughter. She walks around all day singing. The first thing she asks for in the morning is music!

sweetsue said...

My two year old grandaughter loves music, but her parents listen to Christian music and I listen to rock, so it would be great to introduce her to other types of music.

Cher & Gene Klosner said...

Okey Dokey - the winner has been drawn for our Bloggy Giveaway... Congratulations to Jennifer Bogart!

Want to try again at winning a free Stardust CD? Each month through the end of 2008, we are holding a special giveaway - but you must be entered to win! Sign up on our mailing list for your chance to win your very own copy of Stardust! Don't want to wait? We are holding a special Mother's Day Sale through the end May! Visit Stardustlullaby.com for details!