Hi gals!!!
Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party!!! I am Cher Klosner Lane! I am so glad you are here!!
I’m a mom, a musician, and co-founder of Audible Chocolate Productions and co-creator of our Stardust 2-disc lullaby CD! My music and business partner is my brother Gene Klosner, and my sweet hubby is Emmy Award-winning “The Simpsons” Assistant Director and animator, Ben Lane. Ben has put together some fun animated shorts for all of us here and has come up with some cool downloadable party favors (bookmarks) and games for us to play – I love “Stardust Swap” and “Melodibox” (Gene is a champ at "Stardust Swap" - my brother Joe likes "Sheep" ) but I’ll warn ya, you’ll be hooked!! My 7-year-old son loves the “Dream Easel” and he can print off all of his beautiful creations!

Ben and I both work from home. Ben and our son, "Boo" love to work and play together – Boo has done some animation work with Ben as well! Here is their first collaboration, “Smooky Ghost Story.” Music is a big part of our house too so I’ve put up a song, “Little Sir Echo” from our Stardust CD that features Boo and I singing a duet.
One of my favorite stories/poems growing up was "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field. When it came time to record the CD, I toyed with the idea of putting music to the words, but decided against it, because I was so limited on time before going into the studio. I told my Mom I wasn't going to do Wynken, Blynken and Nod, and she said "You HAVE to have Wynken!!" I said "Mom,...umm... I haven't written it yet." She said, "I don't care! You HAVE to have Wynken." Umm..okay...Mom!! :) I am so glad she pushed me -here it is:
Who likes treats? We do!!! Here is my family’s favorite recipe of all time, “Sugar Cream Pie” – it’s super easy and especially great for holidays, but Ben likes this sweet treat year around.
So come on in, hang out, play some games, download party favors, check out our site, listen to soundclips of our lullaby music, www.stardustlullaby.com/ leave a comment and party with us!!! Make yourself at home and have fun while you’re here - it’s so nice to meet you!!!
Cher :)
PS Gifts...Hmmm... in the order of what I'd like first :)
1) INTL - # 11 - My Bella Vita
2) #58 - Go Workout Mom
3) #36 Marketing for Entrepreneurs
4) #21 - Foot Revitalize
5) #70 - Chocolatista
6) #92 - Lonely Pearls
7) #79 -Goat Mik Soap
8) #82 - Pillowcasegram
9) #54 - MikaRose.com
10) #130 Starbucks Gift card
I love that song!! Great party, I had so much fun! Stop by my place if you get a chance:) All is welcomed!
Beautiful song...although I think my girls would roll their eyes at me if I tried to get them to listen to it. (ah the joys of teens!)
It's nice to "meet" your talented family.
What a beautiful voice you have!!:) And your little Ben how cute. I just loved the song. I would enjoy listening to the CD for myself.:):)
I'm going to go party and check out your party favors. Oh, and your CD too!!
Blessings to YOU and Your Beautiful Family!
Great PARTY! And beautiful music! You already know how I feel about you and your cd!
Thanks for sharing your pic - and party favors!
Party ON
Hi, great blog party post, great music :)
Loved the music and all the things we have in common. Your family sounds fantastic. It's wonderful that can all share your dreams.
Thanks for stopping by!
Cute animated parties! I love the photo of you with your family! Thank you for visiting my blog and clarifying the rules!
God bless...
Cher, the song is soooo pretty! And when he is older you are going to love having that little voice recorded! What a sweet little blessing you have from up above!
By the way your voice is beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party..I have enjoyed my stay!
Your hubby did a FANTASTIC job on the animations Cher! Great job on the cool 'party' too :)
Cher, love ya! Your blog is great and your party is rockin'. Swing by my blog, have a visit, say HI and let's party together!
Cher, Thank you for visiting my party. I it is nice to meet you and your family are very talented. Thank you for the encouragment, it is nice to know that there are others that have been or are going through what I am. I will be back to visit.
Hi Cher, it's so nice to meet you. What a fun blog party! I really enjoyed your visit and can't wait to visit again. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you'll visit again.
Hey Cher, you really know how to throw a party! I will have to try that sugar cream pie recipe. Sounds delicious!
WOW- what a hostess! If there was an award for best planned party- I'd vote you in! Nice meeting you and thanks for the time and energy you put in to making your party fun!!
I agree - this is perhaps the best planned party I've been to, thus far. What a lovely family you have and I can see, by the happy looks on your faces, that you know how truly blessed you really are. I also agree with your Mom - you just had to do Wynken! I'd love to feature your cd on my site.
Absolutely love Wynken. Always listen to your mom!!! This has been one of my all-time favorite poems. I remember my mom quoting it to me when I was little and I used to read it to my little ones -- years ago! Ah, time flies.
Thanks for the special song -- love your site and your music. What a blessing you are!
Happy blog party!
Thank you for stopping by and partying with me. You sure are one talented lady. Your blog is going in my favorites lists, so do be suprised to hear from me again. Hope you are enjoying blog pary hoppin as much as I am. Take care. ~Brenda~
Cher I'm the blue girl jumping in the middle. LOL - Great video. Thank you for taking the time to give thanks. Have a great time party hopping!
Thank you for the fun fun fun!
I loved your party! More More
I am also envious of your families talent!
I will be joining you on the island soon, and I will bring mojito's!
love ya
Salty Chix Dianne
Love your blog! I'm so irritated that hubby is getting up early tomorrow... so I can't watch/hear anything right now... but I'll be back!
Happy partying… stop by and say “Hi!” if you get a minute.
Great meeting you!
I love love love Wynken Bynken and Nod! In fact, I have recited that peom to my daughter nearly every night since I had her nearly a year ago. I'm glad that you put it to music!
Hi Cher!
What a party you have going here! I'm so glad I came. It's nice to cybermeet you and your lovely family. And, the party favors / games are great, too.
Happy UBP! :)
My husband LOVES The Simpsons! I'll be back again!
Hi Cher,
It's nice to meet you.Thanks for sharing some goodies. I loved the cartoon you son helped create, my kids laugh when I get scared of ghosts.
Hugs, Danette
What a fun place you have here!
Looking forward to getting to know you better, and in the meantime, come on over to my party in southern Italy and say "ciao":
Bleeding Espresso
Cool party! Love your stuff.
Stop by my party. I promise you will have fun.
I am definitely adding you to my Google Reader!! I can't wait to come back!!
We get a big kick out of the Simpson's at our house. Your party was fun. I love nursery rhymes and enjoyed your song. Thanks for visiting my party! Enjoy...
Thanks for visiting our Bahamas party! That sheep game is evilly addictive!
Have a great party.
dolls123 (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh Cher, thanks so much for stopping by 2nd Cup of Coffee! Small world--but then Muncie is the hubbub of the mild, mild Midwest! All US citizens are only like 6 degrees of separation away from Funcie! Love your site-most fun stop yet, AND I went to Eugene Field Elementary school, (which I posted about recently) and cannot believe his name was here in this post. Weird! So glad to have you and am enjoying your gifts. We must "meet" again in Bloggyland.
Hi Cher,
Thanks for visiting my party. What a cute party you guys are having.
Partying along at Goodies for Mom.
Oh, one more thing--I'm curious about your connection to Oneighty--will you email me at lindacrowatcomcast.net and tell me who that is, if she is in Muncie?
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!
That's great you both can work from home. :)
Hey, can I link back to your pie recipe for my pie contest?
Thanks for stopping by! Who wouldn't love that 2 night stay in Italy. LOL - We could all use that. Happy party hopping.
oh my goodness! fun party! thanks for stopping my mine!
Thanks for stopping! I love your site and your music. Great job. You have such a lovely voice.
I am just starting to write and would love your advice on when to get a critique and how to find someone you trust to critique your work. My first children's just took a quirky turn after a long shower and now I have to rewrite it! - but I think it will be better when done if I do. Gotta love the creative process. These little characters just love to invade at the most inopportune times.
Your whole family sounds so creative! I'll be sure to stop back by.
Have a great week!
It's a good thing you listened to your mother. Winken is a beautiful song!
Thanks for visiting ltos of our blogs - you guys look like a super-talented bunch! (Thanks for telling the kids to ask permission too!!!!)
I'll sign in as my old blogger id, but you met us at have pinny or off the bookshelf or pilgrims' progress....and the kids and inventions and adventures.
Awww how sweet! Just beautiful! :) thanks for sharing & stop on by our party if you get a chance!
I'm loving your post! How cool! I wish you lived next door. I want to learn how to do animation and music and all that neat stuff! Lucky you! :)
Ditto on all the great comments on your voices and singing!
Thanks for stopping by... your page is cute. :)
Hey! GREAT party, Cher. How fun. I'm bookmarkin' ya - consider yourself warned!
Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely be back to visit you again. The Blogger's Delight is super easy to make. I posted the recipe here:
Come back any time for recipes or a look at some pics of where I live. There are also some fabulous ladies in my blogroll.
See you again soon!
Great party post! It's so cool that your hubby helped out with wonderful animations!
Thanks for the visit & happy partying!
just party hopping. :) love the video. :)
This is Just too fun!!!Thanks everyone, for coming by!!! How do we possibly get through over 1000 blogs in a week ?:)
Cher :)
I'm not very familiar with that song but don't they sing it on Barney? If it's not on Barney, then I don't know it. hee hee
Thank you for throwing such a great party! It was nice to meet you!
An Island Life
Happy Party! Nice to meet you. You're very talented!
I'm giving away ad space at both http://www.muchmorethanamom.com and http://www.theopinionatedparent.com. Stop by if you have time!
that was a fun party! my daughter enjoyed watching the recipe with me! she loves guitar anything especially when combined with cooking!!!
Your musical work is wonderful. I love this blog.
Have a great time with the family and music!
Great post! Hope your enjoying the party! I’ve been meeting tons of new people! Hope to try to visit at least half of them before Friday! You never know when you may meet a forever friend. Pop by for a visit if you get a chance! Enjoy your day!
Hi Cher, your family is beautiful and you have a great singing voice. I'm so impressed. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you're enjoying the partying!
Hi Cher---great party!! I bookmarked it to come back again!!
If you get a chance, stop by my party post---I've got a giveaway as well!!
Loved the annimations!! I asked my husband if he was gonna sing the good lookin' song to me when I cook for him more often and I asked him if we could find a new recipe and he said we don't need to put another thing in the oven... LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh! Come check out my three little kiddos... nice meeting you!
-Carolyn -scrappingservant.com
Beautiful song....
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my party. :)
Guess who won prize INTL #11?
Yep it's you! Please be patient while the prize donor is contacted. They will be in touch with you soon. Congratulations!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, congrats on winning!
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